Qwik 1.0, Angular 16, and Deno 1.33

Qwik 1.0, Angular 16, and Deno 1.33


JavaScript Jam Live on Wednesday

This week we'll be interviewing Alex Anderson about his Remix Conf topic, Remix Live Loader, a technique to connect server-sent events with useLoaderData to always keep your data fresh.

Last week we spoke with Remix Conf organizer Kent C. Dodds about all things Remix Conf. Check out the recording below 👇

Qwik 1.0, Angular 16, and Deno 1.33

Qwik 1.0

Qwik has officially reached 1.0!!! If you've been following JavaScript over the last few months you'll be very familiar with the new framework built by the team at BuilderIO. Qwik represents a new architecture for web frameworks that revolves around "resumability," which you can learn more about in previous newsletter issues and JavaScript Jam Live episodes.

You can check out the official release post on the Builder blog, Qwik Reaches v1.0, which highlights the unique features of the framework, integrations with other popular web tools, and the vibrant Qwik community. You can listen to the whole team including Yoav, Steve, Manu, Shai, Miško, and Adam speak about the release in the following stream:

Angular 16

Angular has just published its first release candidate version of v16 which is expected in May. It marks a significant update to the platform that will see the removal of the Angular Compatibility Compiler (ngcc) and all other view engine related codes, signaling the completion of the transition from the view engine to Ivy. Major additions include:

  • Binding router information to component inputs, simplifying the retrieval of router data, resolved router data, params, and queryParams.
  • The introduction of DestroyRef and takeUntilDestroyed as replacements for ngOnDestroy, allowing for a more functional coding approach.
  • Required inputs for components, similar to the props in React, ensuring necessary component inputs are passed from the parent.
  • Experimental support for ESBuild in the ng serve command, promising faster startup times.
  • Implementation of signals as a new reactive primitive, offering fine-grained reactivity and simplifying the code.
  • Server-side rendering with hydration, a significant feature request from developers, improving the startup time and SEO.

You can check out Brandon Roberts demoing Angular's new server-side rendering with hydration feature on his YouTube channel:

Deno 1.33: Deno 2 is Coming

Ryan Dahl in his Node Congress 2023 presentation Forced Optimization outlines the upcoming Deno 2 release with its focus on best-in-class performance and uncompromising security. As the team approaches the major release of Deno 2, the next minor releases will focus on improving performance, developer experience, and Node/npm compatibility.

The Deno 1.33 version advances these ideals, introducing several key features and improvements:

  • Deno KV is an integrated database within Deno with no dependencies. It supports a consistent, geo-replicated global database when deployed to Deno Deploy.
  • The deno.json schema has been flattened to make it more readable and writable.
  • Deno will no longer require a permission to execute string literal imports.
  • The node:crypto, node:http, and node:vm modules have been significantly improved. Deno also improved cache handling for npm packages.
  • The HTTP server and both client and server implementations for WebSockets have been overhauled for better performance.
  • New features include a --no-run flag to the deno bench subcommand and a cross-platform unset command in deno task.
  • The language server preloads files to improve functionality.
  • The Deno.run API is being deprecated in favor of the Deno.Command API and the Deno.serve API also sees changes.

Composability Summit

Kamil Arcisz gives a case study on composable commerce in an omnichannel environment with Family Optic that includes a deep dive into the technical implementation of an SEO optimized PWA with caching strategies and image processing.

Podcasts of the Week

One More Thing

Rich Harris as usual made a splash with a spicy but well considered take on the current state of the web including the edge and frontend trends:

JavaScript Jam on the Web

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