A podcast for frontend and full-stack developers | All things site speed, #webperf, #Jamstack, and the future of the Web. Our newsletter serves as a weekly roundup of events, news, and resources.
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Last Week on JavaScript Jam
- Composability Summit Now Live! – Future Proof Your Stack
- Dev Time, Scaling – To server or not to server? – JavaScript Jam Live – Listen to Last Week’s Episode
What to Expect This Week
- Another week, another new JavaScript framework, Enhance, with a focus on web components and “using the platform” instead of miles of tooling. @jlengstorf has a quick run down of the highlights and why it’s compelling.
- Just last week we discussed how it was hard to use and debug higher level frameworks like React in Chrome DevTools. Turns out Chrome just rolled out some improvements for debugging modern websites that will make this far easier.
- The creator of Node asked Oracle to release the JavaScript trademark. Devs may not realize when their favorite tools (like Jamstack) are trademarked. What are the implications? (Warning: IANAL)
- Even rockstars will tell you that devs are the new rockstars, but what impact has the changing economic environment been on making it easier or harder to break into the ecosystem?
Events & News
- Github Universe 2022 November 9 -10
- Jamstack Conf 2022 November 7- 8
- Front End Foxes September 13
Who Is Talking About JavaScript?
- On the hunt for a job or hiring and looking for Node.Js experience? Check out this Twitter Post.
- FSJam Episode 78 – The Jamstack Innovation Fund with Matt Biilmann
- @Nateemerson Learn TypesScript (Beginners) –https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1575397212
- @mattpocockuk – https://github.com/total-typescript/beginners-typescript-tutorial
JavaScript Jam on the Web
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