Next.js Conf 2022 and Leaving the Cloud

Next.js Conf 2022 and Leaving the Cloud


A podcast for frontend and full-stack developersAll things site speed, #webperf, #Jamstack, and the future of the Web. Our newsletter serves as a weekly roundup of events, news, and resources.

Last Week on JavaScript Jam

  • Watch last week's recording here.​
  • Experienced developer advocate Tessa Mero of AppWrite will join us to give us an update on this year’s Hacktoberfest and answer your questions about developer relations.
  • The 2022 Web Almanac released its chapter on Jamstack. Interestingly adopted a looser definition of Jamstack, partially to overcome measurement limitations and perhaps also in a nod to the evolving definition of this architecture. We’ll discuss the results and the pros and cons of the new definition of “Jamstack-y”. What are folks on Twitter already saying about this?
  • And yet another ecosystem survey, the State of GraphQL also was recently published. The survey shows an ecosystem is growing and maturing but GraphQL also appears to be hitting a trough of disillusionment. Come join the Twitter space to let us know your experiences with GraphQL and if it’s lived u p to your expectations.

What To Expect This Week

  • Jeff Escalante with Vercel will be joining us live to recap all the highlights of Next.js Conf! Set your reminder and join us live here.​
  • DHH, the creator of Ruby on Rails and Basecamp made waves that his latest company is leaving the cloud. It’s a contrarian move from the web’s resident contrarian. We’ll debate the lessons and implications for your company’s migration to the cloud.
  • In another surprise move this week, one of the maintainers of Emotion, a popular CSS-in-JS library, announced his company will be moving away from Emotion and other CSS-in-JS approaches. We’ll discuss the issues they encountered and compare notes on favorite approaches to handling CSS.​

Events & News​​​​

JavaScript Jam on the Web

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