A podcast for frontend and full-stack developersAll things site speed, #webperf, #Jamstack, and the future of the Web. Our newsletter serves as a weekly roundup of events, news, and resources.
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Last Week on JavaScript Jam
- Jeff Escalante with Vercel will be joining us live to recap all the highlights of Next.js Conf! Set your reminder and join us live here.
- DHH, the creator of Ruby on Rails and Basecamp made waves that his latest company is leaving the cloud. It’s a contrarian move from the web’s resident contrarian. We’ll debate the lessons and implications for your company’s migration to the cloud.
- In another surprise move this week, one of the maintainers of Emotion, a popular CSS-in-JS library, announced his company will be moving away from Emotion and other CSS-in-JS approaches. We’ll discuss the issues they encountered and compare notes on favorite approaches to handling CSS.
What to Expect This Week
- Shopify has acquired Remix. What does the future look like for Remix? Set your reminder to join us live on Twitter Spaces Wed, Nov 2, at 12pm PT as we discuss this from several angles and perspectives.
- More on WASM! Yup, SQLite now has official WASM documentation. More and more will test the limits of WASM, thus birthing new tech for us all. This is innovation at work?
- Some are concerned with the relationship of React and Next. But the joining of Remix and Shopify brings uncertainty across the board as the future direction of both Remix and Hydrogen are being questioned.
Events & News
- Going on now: All Things Open | Oct 30 – Nov 2
JavaScript Jam on the Web
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