App Router Stable in Next 13.4, Nuxt 3.4, and Redwood 5.0

App Router Stable in Next 13.4, Nuxt 3.4, and Redwood 5.0


JavaScript Jam Live on Wednesday

This week, we'll be joining you live from Remix Conf in Salt Lake City! We'll discuss the conference with numerous speakers and dig into their respective talk topics. If you caught our Remix Conf episode last year you'll know that you won't want to miss this one.

Last week, we spoke with Alex Anderson from Echobind about Remix Live Loading and how to make real time apps with Remix. Check out the recording here:

Stories of the Week

Next.js 13.4 - App Router Stable

Next.js 13.4 marks a foundational release with the introduction of the stable App Router. The release focuses on improved stability, nested routes and layouts, simplified data fetching, streaming and suspense, built-in SEO support, and the beta release of Turbopack for faster local dev servers.

Designed around RSC and Suspense, the App Router addresses requests for enhanced support for layouts and enables the colocation of data fetching with components. It supports better loading performance and allows developers to import CSS files in any component. 13.4 also includes experimental support for Server Actions enabling server-side data mutations without creating an API layer.

Lastly, the Draft Mode feature enables fetching and rendering draft content from headless CMSs. With the core of the App Router now ready for production, the Next.js team recommends building new applications with the App Router and gradually adopting it in existing projects.

Nuxt 3.4 - View Transitions API and Payload Enhancements

The Nuxt 3.4 release brings numerous enhancements and improvements, such as support for Chromium-based browsers' new View Transitions API which allows for native browser transitions between unrelated elements on different pages. The update also includes a significant change to how Nuxt handles payloads, enabling support for various rich JavaScript types with preliminary testing showing a 25% speed-up in server response time.

The release offers easier devtools configuration, object-syntax Nuxt plugins for better control and easier hook registration, improvements in layers and context transforms, and ecosystem updates for Consola and Nitropack. Some breaking fixes have been implemented and users are recommended to upgrade using nuxi upgrade --force to refresh their lockfiles and pull in updates from other dependencies.

RedwoodJS 5.0 - Redwood Studio and React 18

Redwood announces v5.0 with major highlights being React 18 support, two experimental features, Redwood Studio and OpenTelemetry Instrumentation, and TypeScript v5 integration. The release has minimal upgrades for React 18 support for now but the framework plans to add streaming support in the near future.

The experimental features, Redwood Studio and OpenTelemetry, work together to provide tracing, observability, and a user interface for better project management. Developers can try out these experimental features using the yarn redwood experimental CLI command.

More attempts at explaining how the heck React Server Components work and new storage primitives are introduced by Vercel and Deno Deploy with Deno choosing to build and Vercel choosing to buy.

Astro 2.4 brings experimental support for middleware and CSS inlining, Node version managers that can save you from having to use nvm, WebContainers now run almost everywhere, and Tyler McGinnis creates an interactive guide to the most fundamental mechanism at the heart of React's rendering implementation.

Composability Summit

Neelanjan Manna explains how to grapple with the chaos of cloud-native applications in Chaos Engineering for Cloud-Native Application Resiliency. The talk discusses how Litmus Chaos can make Kubernetes more resilient by assisting in preventing major outages and issues.

Podcasts of the Week

One More Thing

Scott Jehl talks about experimenting with performance at the edge and highlights the benefits edge computing can bring to mobile web experiences and users with devices on weaker networks. He discusses improvements that can be made to Core Web Vitals and how to lighten the amount of JavaScript code required for a website to function.

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