Million v3

Million v3


Million v3, developed by Aiden Bai and team, introduces several updates aimed at improving React application development efficiency and performance.

JSJam Live, Wednesday at 12pm PT

Join us today at 12pm PT for another open mic episode of Javascript Jam Live. Last time on JavaScript Jam Live, we were joined by Nick Taylor and Bekah HW from Open Sauced to discuss getting into open source and being respectful of open source maintainers.

Story of the Week

Million v3

Million v3, developed by Aiden Bai and team, introduces several updates aimed at improving React application development efficiency and performance. Installing Million v3 in projects using React or frameworks like Next, Astro, Vite, Remix, or Gatsby can be done with npx million@latest.

The update from version 2.x.x to 3.x.x is designed to require no changes to existing code. The release of Million v3 is part of ongoing efforts to address web application performance issues. Key features of Million v3 include:

  • Hydration and Performance Improvements: Million v3 introduces a new hydration system that targets dynamic nodes, reducing time complexity from O(n) to O(d), where d represents the number of dynamic nodes. This change is intended to improve the speed of initial page loads and interaction responsiveness in complex applications.
  • Compiler Rewrite: The compiler in Million v3 has been completely rewritten to address stability and reliability. The update includes improved TypeScript support, better handling of multiple return statements, conditional logic, and nested React components. Future updates are expected to further enhance the compiler's performance.
  • Internationalization (i18n): The documentation and website for Million now support multiple languages, including Spanish and French, with ongoing efforts to add Chinese. This is part of an effort to make Million more accessible to a wider audience.
  • Million Wrapped: A new feature introduced with v3, though details are limited, aims to provide developers with a tool to showcase performance improvements in their applications.

The team behind Million is seeking to expand, inviting applications from frontend developers and engineers with experience in dev tools and machine learning, based in the Bay Area. The Million project encourages feedback and participation from the development community. Developers are invited to share their experiences, join discussions on Discord, and contribute to the project on GitHub.

In summary, Million v3 offers updates focused on improving performance and developer experience in React application development. The introduction of a new hydration system, a rewritten compiler, expanded internationalization, and the preliminary launch of Million Wrapped are central to this release.

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