WebAuthn and a History of SPAs

WebAuthn and a History of SPAs


A podcast for frontend and full-stack developers. All things site speed, #webperf, #Jamstack, and the future of the Web. Our newsletter serves as a weekly roundup of events, news, and resources.

Last Week On JavaScript Jam

  • ​David Meyers joins us to discuss Octo.app. Octo.app is an open-source Markdown knowledge base built using Vue 3, Nuxt, TypeScript, TailwindCSS and Vite. David will share real world lessons building and launching Octo.app with these technologies, including architecting for serverless, offline-first, and in browser text editing. ​Check out the github repo for Octo.app.
  • Get out your popcorn! The pros and cons of Single Page App debate between @t3dotgg and @slightlylate was just released. Both have been guests on Javascript Jam before (here and here) so we’re looking forward to watching them and discussing what we learned from their debate.
  • The State of JavaScript survey is currently out, so head over to the survey to vote for your favorite webdev tools, frameworks, and resources. Then join us on Twitter spaces to tell us how and why you voted the way you did.
  • Watch the Recording

What To Expect This Week​

  • This week we’ll have Dan Moore from FusionAuth to explain the WebAuthn spec. Bring your authentication questions and find out how WebAuthn will make it easier to do auth in the browser. ​Save the date.
  • One of the developers of Postman wrote a thought provoking post “Is React going anywhere?” that muses about the growing anti-React sentiment and if react will still be here in 5-10 years. Let’s debate when and if the post-React world arrives and why.
  • In SPAs, MPAs, the history of Twitter tech, & a failed project, Salma Alam-Naylor chronicled Twitter’s back and forth architectural migrations on their website (pre-Elon of course). We’ll discuss what lessons we can take away from this history to our projects and the pros and cons of SPAs.

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